
The following prefixes can be prepended to any unit (without space in between). Whenever some ambiguity arises, for example for the nuclear magneton "muN", which could also mean micro Newton, the first definition (without prefix, i.e. nuclear magneton) is used. From version 1.5, the prefixes and the units can be spelled out completely. Thus the micro Newton can be entered in several different forms: "muNewton", "microN", "MicroNewton", ...

Factor Prefix Symbol Factor Prefix Symbol
101 da deca 10-1 d deci
102 h hecto 10-2 c centi
103 k kilo 10-3 m milli
106 M mega 10-6 mu micro
109 G giga 10-9 n nano
1012 T tera 10-12 p pico
1015 P peta 10-15 f femto
1018 E exa 10-18 a atto
1021 Z zetta 10-21 z zepto
1024 Y yotta 10-24 y yocto

From version 1.53, the following binary prefixes used in computer storage units are also available:
Ki = 210 (kibi as, e.g., in kibibyte for kilo binary byte) Pi = 250 (pebi)
Mi = 220 (mebi) Ei = 260 (exbi)
Gi = 230 (gibi) Zi = 270 (zebi)
Ti = 240 (tebi) Yi = 280 (yobi)

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